Useful Information
Most procedures can be done under local or regional anaesthesia, with the addition of sedation or general anaesthesia if needed. A specialist anaesthetist will be available before and during the operation to discuss and implement your options.Pain management
While all surgery results in some post-operative pain, we use a multi-modality approach to keep your pain to a minimum. This includes local anaesthetics, nerve blocks, medication and hand therapy.Pre-operative preparation
You are required to be fasting for 6 hours before any surgery, regardless of the type of anaesthesia used.Chronic medications are usually continued on the day of your operation, with the exception of certain anticoagulants/blood thinners and biological drugs for arthritis. For your own safety, we advise that you discuss the need to stop specific medication before your operation with the doctor who prescribed the medication to you.
Post-operative care and recovery
As a general rule, surgical wounds should remain clean, dry and covered for 2 weeks after the operation. The specific requirements for your condition and operation will be discussed before and after the operation.
Driving is not safe for 24 hours after surgery. For minimally invasive procedures driving may be allowed the next day, but other procedures may require no driving for 2 to 6 weeks
Flights in pressurized aircrafts and other forms of travel are usually safe after surgery, but the need for follow-up, wound management and rehabilitation will need to be discussed before you plan any trips.
Return to work
Your sick leave will be determined by comparing your job demands to your physical abilities or hand function, taking into account the stage of healing and progress made in therapy. As a general rule, you will be on sick leave for at least 10 to 14 days after any surgery to the hand or upper limb.Multiple procedures
In principal, we aim to treat as many problems as possible at the same time.Certain procedures in the hand are often done together, like carpal tunnel release and trigger finger releases. However, some procedures are deemed too complex to combine with other procedures at the same time.
Surgery on both hands at the same time is usually considered to be too disabling, but can be done with minimally invasive procedures like endoscopic carpal tunnel releases or trigger fingers.
Surgery on 2 different body regions at the same time by 2 separate surgeons is only done under exceptional circumstances.